Wellness Domains for Residency Training Programs

Authors:  Danielle Hart, MD (1), Glenn Paetow, MD (1), Ramin Tabataba, MD (2), Rochelle Zarzar, MD (1) and Arlene S. Chung, MD (3)

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Introduction:  In this editorial, we describe a residency-specific wellness framework that residency leadership can utilize in developing their local wellness programs.

Conception: While detailed conceptual models of overall clinician well-being have been developed previously, we do not know of a model developed specifically for resident wellness. Therefore, we sought to develop a model through the lens of residency program leadership. In reviewing currently existing frameworks and considering the context of resident-specific needs, we developed a resident-focused five-domain framework.

Model Elements: (1) Individual wellness factors, (2) work hours and scheduling, (3) workplace culture and environment, (4) community and interconnectedness, and (5) dealing with the hardships of medicine.

Conclusions:  We have developed a conceptual model for wellness and burnout interventions specific to residency training programs that should be used in conjunction with local individual residency program needs assessments.


1 Hennepin Healthcare

2 Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center

3 Maimonides Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine