Wellness Review 2021 – Part I

Authors:  Martin Huecker, MD (1), Brian Ferguson, DO, MPH (1,2) and Jacob Shreffler, PhD (1)

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Introduction:  This article presents a curated selection of the wellness literature from January to June of 2021. JWellness editors offer a summary of recent publications within the wellness domain to seek an understanding of both burnout prevention and, more importantly, thriving in the medical profession.

Methods: For the interval of Jan 1 to June 30, 2021, a UofL librarian queried PubMed for empirical research studies, review articles, and editorials related to healthcare professional wellness. Excluding papers related to COVID-19 (due to extensive prior coverage) and editorials/commentaries, the editors narrowed to 43 articles (systematic reviews, meta-analyses, general reviews, and clinical trials) for this review.

Literature in Review:  Six chief themes emerged: general wellness / burnout, technology, training, nursing professional wellness, mindfulness and resilience, and physician specialty-specific considerations. We note the predominance of descriptive articles, though this round included more clinical trials and reviews of clinical trials. Overall quality of evidence remains low, however the conglomerate multinational dataset is expanding rapidly. Innovations in electronic documentation, early educational interventions, and diverse studies from various medical specialties converge to provide insight into a state of thriving among healthcare professionals.

Conclusion:  Current literature into healthcare professional wellness continues to describe burnout, but increasingly includes dedicated wellness interventions. Resilience and mindfulness training work, but system level interventions must accompany efforts. All medical specialties are affected, and the continuing conversation should include healthcare executives and other leadership.


  1. University of Louisville, Department of Emergency Medicine
  2. AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command)