GME: Gym in Medical Education-Maintaining Physical and Mental Well Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Brian J. Nguyen, MD (1), Elana A. Meer BS (1) and Joyce E. Nguyen, MD (2)

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Brief Excerpt:  

…In recent years, resident wellness has taken a high priority in many resident programs. Maintaining resident physical activity has beneficial effects on mental and physical wellness, which in turn allows residents to more effectively learn and develop into compassionate providers. Beyond the potential impact on patient-provider relationships, surgical specialties carry a significant ergonomic toll and exercise may improve both mental focus and physical performance in the operating room. However, during this pandemic, access to typical areas of physical activity has been greatly reduced. This report describes a safe and cost-effective alternative to public gyms…

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1. Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania
2. Department of Psychiatry, Georgetown University