Books: The Original and Final Refuge for Mental Wellness

Author:  Kyle Christopher Miller, SARC (1)

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Brief Excerpt:  (Borrowed from the introduction and poem)

For the past six years I have traveled the world as a Special Operations Combat Medic for the US Navy. My name is Kyle Miller.

…How can we stay mentally engaged? When we have no access to technology for our online classes, how can we compete with peers back home at universities, who continue to progress in their studies?

The answer is simple but frequently forgotten on dusty shelves, in the shadows of modern-day television, tablets and computers.


I am a man, a literate man with a book in each hand
who opens worlds whenever he can.
A Steppenwolf with no other plans,
I sit in my chair on adventures most grand.
Flying with Peter to Neverland
and fighting with Katniss to take a stand.
Because I am a man…
a literate man with worlds in my hands.

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1. US Navy, Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman (SARC), US Marine Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC)