Organizational Compassion: Ameliorating Healthcare Worker’s Suffering and Burnout

Authors:  Rachel Thienprayoon, MD, MSCS (1), Shane Sinclair, PhD (2), Beth A. Lown, MD (3), Teresa Pestian, MS (4), Eli Awtrey, PhD (5), Naomi Winick, MD (6) and Jason Kanov, PhD (7)

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Brief Excerpts:  

Compassion is recognized by scholars, spiritual leaders, healthcare researchers and patients as a salient ameliorator of suffering that transcends cultures, patient populations, specialties, and healthcare sectors…

…the response to burnout and Healthcare worker (HCW) suffering has largely placed the onus of change on the individual person, but it has become clear that HCW suffering must be approached and tackled as a systems issue… Only when we approach HCW suffering as a systems problem—which means that organizational leaders begin to systematically acknowledge and mitigate the myriad factors that contribute to suffering in HCWs—will we create the safest and healthiest environments for our patients, and prevent suffering and burnout in the HCWs. This approach defines organizational compassion for HCWs.

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  1. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  2. University of Calgary
  3. The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
  4. University of Cincinnati
  5. University of Cincinnati Lindner College of Business
  6. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
  7. Western Washington University