Volume 2, Issue 2

Closed: December, 2020

All articles linked below are available for download (PDF).  Citations are included below for your convenience.  Thank you for visiting.

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 10Maturity and Well-Being: Consistent Associations Across Samples and Measures – Reysen, Plante, Lam, Kamble, Katzarska-Miller, Assis, Packard and Moretti (2020) 

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/10/
  • APA Citation: Reysen, S., Plante, C. N., Lam, T. Q., Kamble, S. V., Katzarska-Miller, I., Assis, N., Packard, G., & Moretti, E. G. (2020). Maturity and Well-Being: Consistent Associations Across Samples and Measures. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 10, 1-8. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/10

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 9Attitude of Gratitude: Evaluation of a Wellness Program to Improve Dispositional Gratitude Among Medical Students – Phillips and Klocksieben (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/9/
  • APA Citation: Phillips, A. C., & Klocksieben, F. A. (2020). Attitude of Gratitude: Evaluation of a Wellness Program to Improve Dispositional Gratitude Among Medical Students. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 9, 1-5. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/9

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 8Optimizing Wellness in Academic Emergency Medicine – Nordenholz, Alvarez, Lall, Stehman, Bitter, Hirsh, Manfredi, Sikora, Lu, Sanchez, Wong, Bird and Blomkalns (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/8/
  • APA Citation: Nordenholz, K. E., Alvarez, A., Lall, M. D., Stehman, C., Bitter, C. C., Hirsh, E. L., Manfredi, R., Sikora, R. D., Lu, D. W., Sanchez, L. D., Wong, M. L., Bird, S., & Blomkalns, A. L. (2020). Optimizing Wellness in Academic Emergency Medicine. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 8, 1-12. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/8

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 7Letters That Will Not Be Read – Pomeranz (2020)

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 6Wellness in the Helping Professions: Historical Overview, Wellness Models, and Current Trends – Blount, Dillman Taylor and Lambie (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/6/
  • APA Citation: Blount, A. J., Dillman Taylor, D. L., & Lambie, G. W. (2020). Wellness in the Helping Professions: Historical Overview, Wellness Models, and Current Trends. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 6, 1-10. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/6

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 5 –  Doc’Apella: A Vocal Performance Group Designed to Reduce Stress And Prevent Burnout Among Medical and Health Sciences Students – Carlson, Newton, Brosnihan, Wengel and Dowdall (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/5/
  • APA Citation: Carlson, K. J., Newton, L. E., Brosnihan, P. J., Wengel, S. P., & Dowdall, J. R. (2020). Doc’Apella: A Vocal Performance Group Designed to Reduce Stress And Prevent Burnout Among Medical and Health Sciences Students. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 5, 1-6. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/5

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 4 –  Grit and Flow as Prescriptions for Self-Actualization – Dickinson (2020)

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 3 –  Promoting Resident Emotional Health Meaningful Connections: An Evaluation of a Wellness Game – St. Amour and DeHart (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/3/
  • APA Citation: St. Amour, B., & DeHart, W. B. (2020). Promoting Resident Emotional Health Meaningful Connections: An Evaluation of a Wellness Game. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 3, 1-6. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/3

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 2 –  Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory in Emergency Medicine Residents – Moran, Battaglioli and Li-Sauerwine (2020)

  • Also available at: https://ir.library.louisville.edu/jwellness/vol2/iss2/2/
  • APA Citation: Moran, T. P., Battaglioli, N., & Li-Sauerwine, S. (2020). Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory in Emergency Medicine Residents. Journal of Wellness, 2(2), article 2, 1-7. doi: 10.18297/jwellness/vol2/iss2/2

Journal of Wellness, Vol. 2 (2), Article No. 1 – Wellness Review 2020 – Part I